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The Grounds for Sculpture, located in Hamilton, New Jersey, USA, consists of 42 beautifully landscaped and planted acres featuring three exhibit buildings, several ponds and water features, a large lake, the Peacock Café and Rat's Restaurant, all of which are open to the public, and other buildings, containing artists' studios and administrative offices which are usually not open to the public. Installed permanently on the grounds are over 200 sculptures. Inside the exhibit buildings, other sculptural exhibits revolve two to three times a year. Hundreds of rare trees and bushes, plus flowering plants turn the grounds into an arboretum. In the spring, flowering redbuds, magnolias, crabapples, cherries, other trees plus thousands of bulbs are spectacular. During the summer roses and the lotus plants in two large ponds command attention. The great variety of ornamental grasses come into their own during the fall.
A resident flock of peacocks shares space with mallard ducks, Canada geese, an occasional heron, coots, crows, a hawk or two, plus smaller birds and squirrels. A red fox has sometimes been spotted. In the ponds one can spot koi, blue gills, water turtles and frogs. These wild species provide additional interest to the sculptures and plantings. In the spring and early summer months, many visitors enjoy the antics of the peacocks displaying and later on the appearance of the chicks and ducklings.
Since I live only 5 minutes away by car, I spend a lot of time exploring and photographing all the myriad scenes and perspectives. I also enjoy people watching. Kids and parents, school kids and teachers love to explore and to touch the sculptures that it's permissible to touch. Elementary, secondary and college art classes spend happy hours sketching. Many cameras and cell phone cameras have recorded most of the inside and outdoor scenes. People of all ages and from many different countries visit the Grounds year round. Sometimes I hear more foreign languages than English!
The staff schedule many educational programs, workshops, demonstrations, concerts and other special events. Docents also offer tours fairly regularly. The Grounds are closed Mondays and occasionally for special members-only events. A fee is charged, based upon a visitor's status: children, adults, students, seniors. Membership is the way to go if one is going to be a regular visitor.
For more about Grounds for Sculpture, please visit the following pages:
General Views, Part 1 - slideshow
General Views, Part 2 - slideshow
General Views, Part 3 - slideshow
Views from the Bench
Life of Peacocks
Shadow Play
Project: Dragon
Project: King Lear
Depression Bread Line
Mallard Family: Slideshow
Ducklings at Play: Slideshow
Beautiful Lotus Throughout the Seasons
Passages To:
Self-Reflection ::: Bread Line
Convergence :::
Peaceful Haven
Derring Do
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by Tone By Tone Dot Net
Photography Home Page
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