by Florence W Deems
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It was early November one sunny, fairly warm day at the Grounds for Sculpture, in Hamilton, New Jersey. One of the youngster male peacocks decided to practice luring females as I happened by. His tail is pretty, but only if you don't know what a fully mature male peacock's tail looks like. Here he is trying out his tail display on near-by females - they weren't interested.

To see a larger size, please click on the thumbnail images.

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Female to male: Sorry, not interested.

Male to 2nd female: how about you?

Male: Well, phooey to you both!

Male to me: You think I'm gorgeous, don't you!

Displaying sure makes a guy hungry!

End of story!

Perhaps in the springtime he'll have better luck!

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~ Life of Peacocks - 1 ~ 2 ~
~ Hard Life of Peacocks ~
~ Young Male Tries Out His Tail Display ~
~ Peacock Life Cycle ~
~ The White Peacock ~ Miscellany ~

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